We've been back in Africa for just over four weeks and are still in that not-quite-settled-in mode. I came 10 days before Kathy because I was part of the leadership group that met in Accra, Ghana, for 5 days of meetings. That time is worth a blog post all by itself, but fellow staff member Renita Reed Thomson did an outstanding post on it at her blog, so if you're interested, check it out her post for September 22nd at http://reedsinthewind.blogspot.com/.

Meanwhile we are watching the renovation of the Founders Cottage unfold, sometimes way too slowly, on campus. This is the first of a number of renovation projects that will take place this year on campus. We've been blessed as a community with some additional funds that are making these changes possible.
For those of you who have visited the campus in the past, the changes will be apparent in this picture taken about a week and a half ago. We've pushed out the back of the building about 10 feet, reversed the placement of the kitchen and bathroom in the main unit and converted the third bedroom into two en suite rooms, each with its own entrance. You'll have to come for a visit!
On the work front, we are gearing up for the arrival of the site visitation team from ACTEA, the accrediting body for theological schools in Africa. This is the final step before we receive full accreditation for our BA in Bible and Theology, Diploma in Bible and Theology and Diploma in Christian Counseling programs. Soon to follow will be a similar visit for our BA in Counseling Psychology program.
Thanks to all who've followed this blog and our privileged status as Kingdom servants in Kenya.